Why the First Month

Why the first month?
Tell me, why?
Why a January sky?

What is in
the month that’s first?
It’s so cold; it’s the worst

for snow and ice.
The car won’t start.
Snowbirds fly and depart

from January.
And why not?
January’s best forgot.

Yet it’s your favourite
time of year.
Tell me, why? Make it clear.

is the best:
All of life is at rest

to awake
with the spring.
It’s the first month that will bring

all that sleeps
below the snow,
forsythia, the seeds to grow,

a suntan day
at the beach.
January sky, clear and bleached

is where we see
the light we lack
finally coming back.

still with light;
January, glazed and white

always wakes me,
makes me sing,
a nested wren awaiting spring.

wlw - William L Wren, otherwise known as Bill


April 4, 2017

This is a poem I wrote the other day. It came about because I have another poem, titled First Month, that I was struggling with. So I thought I’d try writing that poem in another way altogether. I came up with the poem above, Why the First Month.

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