Mostly I’d Rather Be Me

I’d rather be clever than pointlessly dumb,
I’d rather go forward than back where I’m from,
I’d rather have too much than not even some
But mostly, I’d rather be me.

Better a dummy than wise like the crowd,
Feet on firm ground beats a head in a cloud,
Humility’s nicer than being too proud
But mostly, it’s best being me.

Love’s always better than a canker of hate,
Off to the side routs the stiffness of straight,
And right now will always beat having to wait
But mostly, it’s best being me.

I can’t always choose how I will be,
Conditions imposed from without bugger me,
Bouncing my bottom like waves on the sea,
And keep me from just being me.

I’d rather keep going than go back again,
I prefer being healthy than sick and in pain,
And I’d rather be charming than to complain
But mostly, I’d rather be me.

wlw - William L Wren, otherwise known as Bill


March 17, 2018

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